Towards A More Comfortable Shave

Towards A More Comfortable Shave

Years of shaving could have a negative imoact on the skin and your face, and almost all guys suffer from it. In many case, young guys just aren’t taught how to shave properly. And after a long time of shaving and poor treatment, facial skin end up taking a beating. This negative effect on the skin of your face could be reduced if you know the following tips to a comfortable shaving.

The Comfortable Shaving Guide

Lessen the discomfort of shaving so you can maintain your good look and feel good after a good shave.You may have learned how to shave many years ago, but you might find some tips to make the experience that more informative.

We go through some of the frequently asked questions (and answers) on how to shave properly, and prevent and correct skin care issues.

Q: How may I prevent rashes from appearing around my neck once I’ve shaved?

A: Try using a fresh blade every so often, as well as a shaving cream that has been enhanced with hydrating emollients (lubricating thickening agents that prevent water loss and have a softening and soothing effect on skin). When you have finished shaving, make sure to apply a light moisturizer to your face.

If you are using after-shave products, be cautious (best is avoid) of those that consist of alcohol or menthol; these particular ingredients may irritate the skin. The majority of guys won’t ever forget the initial sensation they had utilizing aftershave after the first time they learned how to shave.

PRO TIP: AVOID THAT MENTHOL ICE COOL FEEL. What makes you feel good instant is gonna fuck you up in the long run.

Q: I have recently learned how to shave. Should I use a face scrub or regular soap to cleanse my face?

Answer: Different people react to washing agents differently. If you tried it once and you have a breakout, AVOID IT ALTOGETHER.  

But if you need to wash your face after the shave 

A face scrub, alternatively, is manufactured without these harsh chemical additives but produced with ingredients like aloe vera, vitamins A and E, glycerin, chamomile, and polyethylene beads. These aid in getting rid of dead skin cells, controlling oiliness, preventing acne breakouts, and improving the texture and clarity of the skin.

Q: I’m now learning how to shave. What ingredients are best for my skin?

A: Aloe vera, vitamin E, B-5 and C, chamomile, panthenol, and glycerine — just to name a few, are all excellent ingredients for the skin.

  • Aloe vera is a moisturizer that aids in healing skin irritations, encourages new skin growth and aids in slowing down the aging process.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant that prevents free radical damage, encourages tissue growth and functions as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Chamomile is an organic herb that has been proven to possess anti-irritant properties and offers soothing effects to the skin.
  • Glycerin is a soothing emollient that functions as a water-binding agent and maintains water in the skin for hydration.
  • And while vitamin C is a strong and great source of antioxidant for the skin, panthenol and vitamin B-5 moisturize as well as soothe the skin.

So, in the future, when you decide to go shopping for some shaving cream or are getting ready to educate someone on how to shave, be sure to read the ingredients on the back of the product. Try to find aloe vera, as well as other natural, soothing ingredients.


10 Additional Shaving Tips

You are also going to want to pay very close attention to the following tips down below as well:

1. Avoid shaving the very first thing in the morning. If you can, allow your skin to wake up for a while.

2. Make use of an exfoliate like a deep cleaning facial scrub to remove dead skin and open up the pores of the skin to make it ready for a close shave.

3. Be cautious of mentholated shaving items. Even though the cool sensation is nice, menthol can cause the skin to become irritated.

4. Stubble ought to be wetted with warm or hot water prior to shaving.

5. Massage the shave cream thoroughly into the stubble. A vitamin and aloe vera based shaving cream is going to provide a close, soothing shave while protecting the skin against razor burns and rashes.

6. Make sure to use a very sharp blade. Avoid waiting overly long to switch blades. A dull blade is the cause behind lots of shaving cuts.

7. Be sure to rinse the blade off frequently in hot water when shaving and use slow short strokes.

8. Shaving with the grain refers to shaving in the same direction as how the hair grows on your face. It is optimal to always shave in this manner. Shaving against the grain can lead to redness, rashes and razor burn.

9. Post shaving, do apply a moisturizer to soothe and protect the face with lotions containing natural ingredients like vitamins, aloe vera, and chamomile.

10. If you rather use an aftershave product be sure to check the label at the back for alcohol. Dryness and stinging feelings are side effects of the majority of aftershaves whose main ingredient is alcohol.

As you can clearly see, there isn’t a ton of info to remember here about learning how to shave. Be sure to follow these easy guidelines and you will go a long way in making a great difference in the health of your skin and its appearance.

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