Sonically Lonerism is a quantum leap forward forTame Impala, the seeds of which were sown shortly after the mixing ofInnerspeakerhad been completed. Again recorded and produced almost entirely by Kevin Parkerin studios, planes, hotels and homes around the world, and mixed by the trailblazing Dave Fridmann, it's a sound not so much reinvented as completely redrafted and stretched way, way out.
Lonerism'smost apparent advance is in it's synthesizers, there's swathes of them cutting melancosmic shapes across almost every track. There's still the searing guitar lines, bouldering drums, free bass and of course Parker's voice, but now there's heavily mournful pads and sunshine lead lines from an army of analogue explorers in the mix. The songwriting is as joyously screwy as ever. Songs swerve when you expect them to duck, and turn themselves inside out when you expect them to straighten out, there's so many melodic curveballs it's dizzying. And it's a heady, heady record for all the loners, lyrically sweet and casual, relaxed but at times deadly serious, and oddly, deeply amorous.
Be Above It applies a cleansing pressure hose to the brain, and Endors Toi plunges you into a deep sleep of ripping guitar riff dreams. Music To Walk Home By is as it says on the tin, announcing its arrival at the front gate with the kind of ceremonious, shredding guitar riff that makes home seem like a good place to be.
Keep On Lying intentionally drifts in and out as if in the middle of a wandering jam at the end of the earth, Feels Like We Only Go Backwards is as close asTame Impalawill ever come to a top down cruising anthem, albeit one from a cracked reality and soaked in a deep, solo melancholy. Elephant doesn't hide it's rollicking, outerspace glam strut, while Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control arguably boils the essence ofLonerisminto a dense, ecstatic brew of utopian proportions.
Lonerism is one loner standing staring at an expansive moonscape of psychedelic song, but it's so unpretentiously evocative and transcendental it's for everyone to enjoy. See you there.Lonerism, Tame Impala'ssecond album, will be released on Modular Recordings.
Tame ImpalaLonerismTrack Listing:
1. Be Above It 2. Enders Toi 3. Apocalypse Dreams 4. Mind Mischief 5. Music to Walk Home By 6. Why Won't They Talk To Me 7. Feels Like We Only Go Backwards 8. Keep On Lying 9. Elephant 10. She Just Won't Believe Me 11. Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control 12. Sun's Coming Up