Bona Fide Pomade (superior hold)

Bona Fide Pomade (superior hold)

I wonder who designed the Bona Fide Pomade logo, because it’s just too damn bad-of-an-ass if you ask me. How can you not like it!!? I wouldcouldshould buy that just for the logo.

Bona Fide has always used vintage posters and graphics right from the start to brand itself, standing out from the rest. Going back to the time when pomade was almost a necessity.

Honestly, I’m not into water based pomades. My hair is heavily curly, stubborn and just too badass. When applying the Bona Fide pomade (superior hold) on my hands and rubbing it, I noticed a fine texture (same same but different to Layrite Deluxe Pomade or Suavecito Original Hold). Finger combing it on your hair somehow gives an aromatherapy like the ones in those massaassshh palours?


Ya, a wicked mandarin orange citrusy fragrance that will bring chicks on their knees. I would say it is a medium-weight pomade with an unbeatable price and scent. Yup, that’s how dope this pomade is.

– John Wig

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