Clipper and trimmer maintenance

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Clipper and trimmer maintenance


Clipper and trimmer maintenance is very important in extending the life of your equipment

It can vary depending on the frequency of usage, and personal preference. 

How you put together your station, sometimes can play a huge part too.

If your shit is messy, you gonna get clumsy and then you keep dropping you tools all over. Does that counts as maintenance? Fuck Yeah..

It doesnt take much effort to keep your shit together to cut hair professionally but its the part that we forget easily. 

We have put together a general guideline that you can take reference from, either as a professional that is using your equipment on a daily basis or a home user that use it 1-2 times a month

invest in maintenance 

Clipper and trimmer maintenance

professional use »

random product placement 

invest in maintenance 

we talking about time and energy to keep your tools up to speed

you never wana cut half-way and have your clipper or trimmer gets fucked up. not just the battery life but we talking about the blade, motor life etc 

and how to prolong your blade or motor life? 

1. you clean the blades ( preferably after every haircut )

You dont have to use a branded brush really. any cheap brush like even the $2 shoe brush that you used to have in the army will do the job well. 

BUT that shit is too bulky. if you dont mind it. Use it. 

You might just need to watch out for the bristles that sometimes are very coarse and can also fuck up your blades.

Disinfect your tools. Always disinfect your tools. (do it before and after each client)

Disinfect the blade, to ensure sanitary standards and performanace are up to speed.

Some disinfectant spray are also lubricant. Always read what you are using. but they dont do the job like oil does. good to use for disinfecting. BUT NOT LUBRICATIN.

cheap shoe polish brush

↑ shoe polish brush

Alternatively proper blade brush will definitely be more ergonomical. Its smaller, light-weight and maybe lasts longer too. Depends on how you use it and clean the brush too of course. You dont really have to spend too much on this brushes, unless you are alergic or you are actually some brush bristles expert ya know what i mean ?

Remember common sense ? Use it too. And check out the blade brush we have online and at the barbershop.

blade brush we use and sell ↓

↓ blade brush we use and sell 


check these out too↓

↓ check these out too

2. oil your blades 

Clipper and trimmer maintenance

cheap shoe polish brush

↑ singer oil

2. oil your blades 

getting a little bit too much to maintain your shit ?

Dont do it. See how long your tools will last you. It is recommended to oil after every single haircut to prolong the lifespan on your clipper / trimmer.

With the clipper on, use the 5 point oiling method, wipe off and you re good to go

Watch the video below to see how

Alternatively you can use your grandmother sewing machine's SINGER oil to do it too.

We are no oil expert but what we can tell is the singer oil is thicker and might affect the performance ? We stopped using it when we started selling the proper clipper oil.

How to also save money on the oil ? Drip it using oil dispenser.

Also if you are asking can clipper oil be used for trimmers ? The answer is yes you can bodoh.

Check out what we have online and also available at the barbershop 

clipper oil we use and sell ↓

↓ clipper oil we use and sell 

2. oil your blades 

Clipper and trimmer maintenance

3. Deep Clean and Lubricate your blades (extra TLC)

because why not

if you take care of your shit, your shits gonna take care of you.

Deep cleaning your blades will definitely bring back the performance. De-gunk & disinfect your tools.

Get all that hair that you cant out!

sanitisation = performance

To us Andis Dip Jar, pour some out on the lid, submerge blades only, turn it on for about 10s, wipe off

How often should you do it? 

Its like asking us how often to shower.

Some people 2 times a day, some once a day, some once a week, some once a month.........

Watch the video below to see how

Ultimate is you do what you can afford to maximize your clippers and trimmer's performance.

All these unnecessary necessary can be costly at times and some of them are just not necessary. 

Practice common sense.

useful links →


this article is not sponsored in anyways we just sharing what we already know to the community

but maybe we do deserve to get sponsored

invest in maintenance 

Clipper and trimmer maintenance

home and personal use

taking care of your shit will last them longer

most standard Clipper/Trimmer will include 

1) a small tube of oil

2) a tiny brush

READ THAT AGAIN. Yup. Most of them usually do. 

If you wana get fancy you can get a proper brush, why not

you are now equip with the tools for basic maintenance

before or during the hair cutting

1) Cool and lubricate blade 

Depending on what clippers or trimmers you are using:

your clipper might get heated up too fast vs if you are doing this in the most convenient place in your home: the toilet

Lack of ventilation gonna make you think that your clipper is overheating, yes it can. 

But that is NORMAL if you are already cutting for a good 10-15mins. 

For a home user, you may not be familiar with using your new clipper/trimmer, and may take longer for a cut. 

You can spray it with a coolant every 10 mins or even turn it off to let it cool before continuing with your cut.

coolant and lubricant ↘

Sale Off
Wahl - Blade Ice, 397g - The Panic Room

watch please →

invest in maintenance 

Clipper and trimmer maintenance

after the hair cut

1. clean your clipper / trimmer

Using the brush included, quickly brush off any visible hairs on the blades

If you misplaced it, use a spare toothbrush. 

Another option if you already have a hair dryer in the toilet. Use it.

Try to get as much hair out as possible. Have a mini air compressor ? Why not

2) Oil the blade

Do Not skip this step! 

Besides providing lubrication, Clipper/Trimmer blades may rust quickly, and it is important to have a coat of oil if you are not using it daily. 

Before the next use, wipe off the oil with a dry towel or tissue 



All clippers and trimmers are not designed to function in the shower. Read it again. 

Do not wash your clipper/trimmer under running water.

To clean it, use a hair dryer and the small brush to remove visible hair and oil the blades.



If you are using a clipper after a long time, it is wise to oil it like in the video above before use. 

Gently wipe off excess oil with a dry cloth so that your hair will not get stuck with the clipper oil

Always keep the blades oiled before you put it away



If you watch your barber, they are regularly spraying it with a coolant, changing clippers, or even turning it off momentarily while brushing your hair or checking your haircut. 

This is to prevent over-heating

Do not let the clipper run for more than 10mins without a coolant.

If you do not wish to invest in a coolant, you can also turn if off to cool and also oil the blades abit before turning it back on