Can You Handlebar harkens back to a simpler time, when masculine signifiers were clearer and men were free to sport facial hair proudly and unironically. This is reflected in their manifesto and product designs, which place importance on manhood and respect.
Wisdom beard oil exudes warmth and freshness as it hits your senses, a result of its natural spruce and cedar scent. Rub a few drops into your beard, locking moisture in with a gentle sheen and acting as a manliness multiplier.
After putting in countless hours of hard work, CYH proudly presents Initiative beard oil, a product that delivers a grown-up version of the popular citrus scent; bergamot helps to cut through any potential cloying smell. A fine addition to your everyday carry.
For days when subtlety is required, grab your flask of Temperance. A scentless oil, it’s perfect for beardsmen with understated style, those with allergies, or simply when you want to avoid a clash with your favourite cologne. Sometimes, less is more.