full hair wash +masssassshhh
estimated + -
we will use organic shampoo and conditioner based on scalp condition
we use organic hair serum for your hair masssassshhh
yup we have a device for that too
then we blowdry you back in reality
this organic service is also known as lunchtime quickie
we do have a strict waiting policy to make sure everyone gets their happy ending
so call us at 1800 GEY-LANG (439-5264) if you is lost or need help with directions or parking space
we dont judge
only judge can god you
related services:
classic manicure
short haircut +beard trim
ingrown toe nail removal
full waxing
the RLD experience
wash +style

whip out your phone
scan the QR code to download the booking app
and you can see the full list of services
and book your appointment now
or in future
its not the best app in the world
but its what we can affod
but most importantly
trust us
its easier to book on the app
whatsapp us